Non Surgical Fat Reduction: Exploring Non-Invasive Techniques for a Slimmer Figure

Non Surgical Fat Reduction

The key to losing weight is not to reduce body weight but to reduce body fat percentage. Fitness aims to break down fat, increase muscle mass, and shape a slim, firm, healthy body. When you diet to lose weight, you may lose water or muscle, lowering your body’s metabolic level and reducing your weight loss speed. To lose excess fat, you must promote fat decomposition by increasing your body’s calorie consumption and reducing food intake. Ensure three meals a day, but control the intake of high carbohydrates, high fat, and high calories, significantly reducing the intake of carbohydrates at dinner—people who want to gain muscle or lose fat need to supplement enough protein to promote muscle growth. The best quality protein is lean meat; whether chicken breast, beef, pork, or lamb, they are all good choices. In addition, protein powder is also a high-quality nutritional supplement with fast and easy absorption effects. However, many people eat something other than staple food or very little to control their carbohydrate intake, leading to another misunderstanding. When people mention carbohydrates, they first consider staple food varieties like rice, noodles, and steamed buns. Carbohydrates are essential macronutrients for the human body and are the primary energy source for the body.  Therefore, the intake of carbohydrates is essential. In contemporary society, body management and weight control are the cornerstone of a healthy life and the key to enhancing personal confidence.

Good Carbohydrates vs. Bad Carbohydrates

Experts say that “good carbohydrates” have a relatively complex structure, are rich in cellulose, vitamins, and minerals, have relatively low energy, break down slowly during digestion, have a low glycemic index, and have little impact on blood sugar. They have difficulty digesting starches and are also called “resistant starches.” Resistant starch is difficult to digest and enters the colon, providing nutrition for probiotics in the intestines. Because it is absorbed and enters the blood slowly, it helps diabetic patients maintain regular blood sugar and reduce hunger. Oats, white beans, lentils, potatoes, chickpeas, barley, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, etc., are rich in resistant starch, and vegetables and fruits are rich in fibre and contain certain carbohydrates, which can be regarded as “good carbon water.” These foods are usually green, that is, green carbohydrates, which make you feel full quickly, slow down the emptying time of the stomach, and provide vitamins and minerals for the human body. “Bad carbohydrates” have a relatively simple structure and are high in calories. They are low in fibre, vitamins, and minerals and can be quickly broken down during digestion and converted into glucose, causing blood sugar to peak. If these carbohydrates are consumed in excess, they will increase the cardiovascular burden, increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, and are not conducive to controlling blood pressure and weight. These carbohydrates are primarily white or beige foods like rice, flour, and candy.

Effective Exercise Strategies for Fat Loss and Muscle Building

Based on a healthy diet, aerobic exercise is beneficial for fat loss. Fat can be effectively reduced through aerobic exercise or high-intensity training, such as brisk walking, jogging, aerobics, square dancing, swimming, rope skipping, and other exercises. In the gym, you can use treadmills, climbing machines, stair machines, bicycles, rowing machines, and other equipment for aerobic exercise. The standard for aerobic exercise is that the heart rate is within 150 beats/minute during exercise, 3 to 5 times a week, and the exercise is rhythmic and not easy to damage joints and ligaments. Strength training with machines is good for increasing muscle content and basal metabolic rate. Alternating between aerobic exercise and muscle-building exercise is suitable for burning more calories. Try to choose aerobic exercise as the primary method and strength training with machines as the auxiliary method. A combination of the two can be used to develop an exercise plan to build muscle and shape the body. Fitness experts say you will burn fat more efficiently if you stick to fitness for more than 30 minutes. It is because the body starts consuming glycogen first during exercise, and the amount of fat is relatively small. As glycogen is consumed, the amount of fat involved will significantly increase. Generally, after about 30 minutes of exercise, the body’s fat decomposition will reach its highest level. Therefore, it is best to exercise for more than 30 minutes each time for people who want to lose weight, which will have the highest fatburning efficiency and better weight-loss effect.

Exercise, diet, sleep, record 

Non Surgical Fat Reduction

How should we change our lives to build a physique that reduces fat and gains muscle? Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic pointed out four aspects to start with.

  • First, the most common practice is exercise.
  • The second key is your daily diet. Simply changing your diet can affect your body composition. However, research shows that if you combine it with resistance training, the effect of losing fat and gaining muscle will be more significant.” She recommends consulting a personal trainer or nutritionist to learn how to modify your diet.
  • The third factor is often overlooked: sleep. Studies show that people who don’t get enough sleep consume more muscle than fat; getting enough sleep can help maintain muscle mass and burn fat.

“In addition, people who lack sleep have more ‘hunger hormones,’ which increases the risk of weight gain (especially fat). “In other words, getting enough sleep should also be part of a plan to lose fat and gain muscle. Finally, Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic recommends recording your daily diet and exercise and paying attention to situations where you are prone to overeating to find ways to avoid falling into these situations. A diet and exercise diary can also help you focus more on losing fat and gaining muscle. “It’s not easy to start developing exercise and eating habits, and it’s even harder to stick with them,” she said. “But as Pablo Picasso said, action is the most fundamental key to all success.” Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic suggested that the “SMART principle” should be followed when setting goals. The SMART letters are Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, and Timeframe. Taking healthy eating as an example, a goal that conforms to the SMART principle is to eat less sweets and thus control sugar intake. The approach is to reduce the frequency of eating desserts per week, from eating them every day to once a week, and the goal is achieved within two weeks. Also, remember to record your progress to strengthen your motivation to stick with it. “If you can exercise with your loved ones, they can also help encourage you to keep moving towards your goals.”

Body contouring, weight loss, and skin tightening

Fat reduction/body contouring, weight loss, and skin tightening are the three steps to body beauty.

People often think of dieting and counting calories when discussing weight loss. However, discussing your options with a professional doctor to determine your best weight loss plan is best. Once you have reached your ideal weight, the next step is to say goodbye to fat cells, which is when it comes to body shaping/fat reduction.

For those who don’t like liposuction to remove body fat, there are non-invasive, no-downtime body contouring treatments like HIFU and CoolSculpting. But what about the loose skin that results from weight loss and fat removal? That’s where skin tightening treatments like HIFU, Tightlase 3D Laser, and RF come into play.

Weight loss: a comprehensive weight loss plan

This physician-assisted weight loss program includes a full-body exam, a personalised weight loss plan, and a post-program health check. Clinically tested weight loss medications are also prescribed to supplement the patient’s weight loss program. The program can be combined with fat reduction and skin-tightening treatments to achieve better body contouring results. After the program, always talk to your doctor about maintaining a healthy weight.

Fat Reduction/Body Contouring Treatment Options: CoolSculpting

Non Surgical Fat Reduction

CoolSculpting uses cryolipolysis to reduce fat. It removes fat cells through a non-invasive freezing technique that only targets fat cells. It can be used to remove fat in some specific regions under the skin to reshape our body. CoolSculpting technology eliminates crystallised fat cells as the body metabolises them. From most miniature probes to treat small areas of fat such as chin, armpit fat, and knee fat to more significant probes to remove excess fat from hands, back, or chest, and the surface probe used for the abdomen and outer thighs. CoolSculpting may cause tenderness in your treatment area for about two weeks after the procedure. It will go away on its own with a loose, comfortable fit. There may also be some bruising, but this will go away on its own and is not something to worry about.

Body Contouring and Skin Tightening Treatment: HIFU High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound

Non Surgical Fat Reduction

TightLase 3D Laser Skin Tightening is a highly effective, nonsurgical skin tightening treatment using dual-wavelength laser technology. It can repair sagging skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite. The first phase of this laser treatment gently and continuously heats the deep tissue to tighten the skin. The second phase targets the superficial skin layers, allowing the skin to naturally shrink and tighten through moderate lipolysis (fat removal). This dual function makes TightLase 3D Laser Skin Tightening a highly effective skin-tightening treatment for the body and face.

Skin Tightening Treatment: RF Body Tightening

As we age, collagen and elastin creation decline fundamentally, prompting drooping skin, kinks, and scarcely discernible differences. RF body contouring treatments are effective in addressing these issues. This light-based treatment penetrates the skin, heats the skin tissue, and stimulates collagen fibres and fibroblasts to produce new collagen and elastin fibres. This results in firmer, more vibrant skin that is more supple and smooth.

Pioneering Healthy Weight Loss Solutions

There are multiple methods for Fat Reduction with Non-Invasive Techniques for a Slimmer Figure.

Myermi Technology: A pioneer in healthy weight loss technology

Myermi Technology is a health technology company that integrates R&D and production. It has a solid scientific research team and an advanced production base. The company has many patented technologies and is redefining the new standard of healthy weight loss.

Break down fat barriers and activate metabolism.

Myermi Technology’s healthy weight loss solution has excellent penetration and biological effects. It can accurately break up deep fat masses while promoting blood circulation and activating the body’s internal metabolism. This non-invasive method avoids the side effects of traditional weight loss methods and allows users to achieve healthy weight loss comfortably.

Meridian stimulation: harmonises qi and blood, optimises body functions

Myermi Technology’s solution also includes stimulating meridians. Accurately locating the critical acupuncture points of the human body promotes the circulation of qi and blood, optimises the function of internal organs, and thus accelerates the metabolic rate, helping the body consume calories more effectively. This strategy assists with lessening fat, further developing the general well-being level, and accomplishing the best inner and outer development conditions.

Emsculpt Neo: Advanced Non-Surgical Body Contouring Technology

Emsculpt Neo is the latest non-surgical body contouring treatment that can help patients achieve the defined abs and lifted buttocks of their dreams. Emsculpt Neo uses magnetic wave energy to exercise and stimulate the contraction of your muscles while using radio frequency heat energy to remove stubborn localised fat. EMSculpt Neo is a non-invasive treatment shown in studies to simultaneously reduce local fat by an average of 30% and increase muscle size by 25%, making it the ideal solution for sculpting and contouring the body. The body can sculpted with no downtime and no scarring. By utilising Focused, energy Centered Electromagnetic innovation, EMSculpt Neo spotlights its attractive waves on the tissue to prompt muscle constrictions, with quick changes in shock to muscles in the designated stomach, thigh, arm, or butt cheek regions. Through these muscle withdrawals, new muscle strands and protein anchors are created to assist with redesigning muscle structure. Simultaneously, the nuclear power produced by radiofrequency waves will assist with consuming an abundance of fat and lessen neighbourhood fat thickness.

Laser Lipolysis: A Non-Invasive Technique for Reducing Stubborn Fat

Non Surgical Fat Reduction

Laser lipolysis, or “laser fat decrease,” is a painless body-forming strategy that utilises laser energy to lessen difficult cellulite. This creative innovation has become progressively well known lately, with many individuals going to laser lipolysis as an option in contrast to careful fat expulsion strategies. During laser lipolysis, a laser gadget conveys low-level laser energy to the designated fat regions. The laser energy is conveyed as light that infiltrates the skin to reach the fat tissue. The energy from the laser makes the fat cells discharge their items, like water, glycerol, and free unsaturated fats, which are then utilised and wiped out through the body’s regular cycles. The energy utilised in laser lipolysis is regularly a low-force laser with a frequency between 600-1000 nm. This frequency is consumed by fat cells, making them discharge their items. The laser energy likewise causes an expansion in nearby blood dissemination, assisting with eliminating the delivered fat and advancing mending. The strategy is usually performed under nearby sedation and might be combined with different medicines, such as ultrasound or radiofrequency energy, to upgrade the outcomes. The method is generally performed on a short-term premise, and recovery is usually faster than customary liposuction. One of the fundamental advantages of laser lipolysis is that it is a harmless system, meaning there are no entry points or careful dangers implied. Moreover, the aftereffects of laser lipolysis are steady and regular, with no margin time.

Provide safe and effective laser lipolysis to our clients.

At Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic, we offer cutting-edge laser lipolysis machines that utilise trend-setting innovation to give protected and compelling body-shaping medicines. Our machines intended to convey exact laser energy to the designated region, decreasing fat cells without harming encompassing tissue. In addition to providing excellent laser lipolysis machines, we also give our clients exhaustive preparation to guarantee they utilise them accurately and adequately. Our group of specialists is close by to offer continuous help and direction to our clients, assisting them with giving protected and compelling body-chiselling medicines to their clients. If you want to integrate laser lipolysis into your skincare business, reach us at Renew London Dermatology Facility, 22 Harley Street, Maryleb and Westfield Shopping Center, Stratford, today to familiarise yourself with our machines and preparing programs. We are here to help you give protected and powerful body-chiseling medicines to help your clients accomplish their tasteful objectives.


It is necessary to control your diet and increase your exercise. But how can you enhance the effect? Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic said: “Whether aerobic exercise or resistance training, it will burn fat and build muscle simultaneously because exercise consumes carbohydrates and fat to provide the body with energy for exercise. In addition, exercise promotes muscle protein synthesis, increasing muscle mass and strength and enhancing muscle functionality.” What you must pay attention to is the intensity of the exercise. Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic explained that low-intensity exercise generally consumes fat, while high-intensity exercise consumes carbohydrates. In addition, the process of losing fat and gaining muscle will also vary depending on how much carbohydrates, fat, and protein there are in the body. If the calorie intake is too low and you do high-intensity exercise, your body may start to consume muscle.