Skin Mole Removal: Surgery, Aftercare, and Minimizing Scars

What are Moles?

Your pigmented skin cells, also called melanocytes, sometimes create a cluster of pigmented skin that appears in the form of spots on your body. This pigmented accumulation is sometimes also called nevi. These small skin spots or marks can appear almost anywhere on the body and can be entirely flat, a bit raised, smooth like skin, textured, or can also contain hair. They tend to mostly appear in childhood or teenage and can increase in number as you enter adulthood. The colour of these spots can vary from person to person depending upon their skin tone. For instance, if a person is dark in colour, they usually have darker moles and a person who has a lighter colour usually has faded light moles.

skin mole removal

However, it is important to note that moles can also be benign or cancerous. So, in case there appears to be a change in the colour, shape, size, or texture of your mole it is advised to visit a healthcare professional definitely. We at Revitalise London offer permanent removal of moles through our comprehensive mole removal services.

It is important to note that sometimes moles also occur as birthmarks. While some people feel good about owning their scars or marks on their skin, some feel more confident if they get cosmetically treated or when it becomes a health concern. If you want to own your marks as your beauty then you must, but if you need assistance in getting rid of a mole that might be bothering you then read on to know about moles, the removal procedure, and the healing stages.

Learn About Skin Mole Removal

Mole removal can be considered in one of the two ways. You are either someone whose mole is coming in the way of their aesthetic appearance, or it may be getting irritating, itching, or bleeding which in itself is not very pleasant. In both cases, you need a healthcare expert who understands your reasons and is willing to cater to them.

Case 1: Aesthetic Purposes

The first category of mole removal involves getting it removed for the matter of appearance or outlook. While it is not a necessary requirement to get a mole removed, yours may be leaving a huge impact on how you look. This reason is enough to get a mole removed in order to feel more confident. However, keep in mind not to try a mole remover home remedy at home and make it worse. Our medical professionals at Revitalise know how to leave you feeling happy and confident with attentive care.

Case 2: Health Risk Purposes

Moles tend to remain the same throughout. But are you noticing a consistent change or finding your non-irritable mole irritating? If this is the case you may have an Atypical mole that tends to be cancerous. You may be prone to a risk of atypical moles not only for genetic reasons but also due to ultraviolet radiation especially if your skin, eyes, and hair are light in colour. To be able to test your mole your healthcare provider may remove the dysplastic nevus to see if it’s malignant or benign.

skin mole removal

How To Examine the Changes In Your Moles

You must be familiar with terminologies that are often used when someone is asked to get checked for cancer. Scans, imaging, X-rays, and more. A property of any skin cancer is that it looks and appears different not only apparently but also in these screenings. However, ONE rule to follow when doing a self-examination for a potential cancerous mole is as follows:

Look for A sign: Observe the moles on your body and examine if it has changed into an uneven or Asymmetrical shape.

Look for B symptom: If the edges of the mole have become a bit blurry and irregularly shaped then that is something to consider and seek medical advice for.

Look for the C sign: As mentioned earlier moles usually follow the colour of skin and they are light and dark based on that. However, if you see that the moles on your body are changing colour then take the symptom to the doctor.

Look for D symptom: An ideal size of a mole should not be more than an eraser on a pencil. However, if you see that the diameter has developed into a larger surface, then seek medical help.

A very common and simple way to detect a change would be to see if a mole has enlarged, especially the ones that are bumped out of the surface of the skin. A piece of medical advice would be to regularly examine your body anyway, and if you find something that has changed colour, shape, or size then get your scans done.

Ways to Remove Skin Mole and Prevent A Scar

After getting a mole removal treatment or surgery done it is important to be proactive and persistent in getting rid of or preventing possible scarring. Some of the steps that you can personally take to avoid the visibility of the scar are as follows:

Fresh Wound Under the Sun

It is suggested to people with absolutely healthy skin to prevent themselves from UV rays. Now imagine having a wounded skin and how much prevention it will require from being affected by the sun. A healing wound is likely to get discoloured or become more permanent if it is not protected from UV rays.

Let the Skin Heal & Rest

When your skin goes through any major or minor surgery it can require some time to settle down before you can carry on your life as usual. It is important to avoid stretching, scratching, or irritating the skin on which an incision was performed. Let your skin take its time to return to normal.

Scar Must Receive Cleanliness and Moistness

When it comes to skin wounds and scars, they tend to heal more when they are cleaned regularly and are not left to dry and become flaky. This decreases the chances of a scar to fade away. Hence using a moisturising ointment after cleaning, can keep the skin hydrated and decrease the noticeability of a scar.

Increase Healing via Polyurethane Dressing

A pressure pad that can function as both moist and easily placeable anywhere comes in the form of polyurethane dressing. It is a type of dressing that if worn for at least six weeks tends to recover the wound and does not let the formation of a scar after the wound closure

Boost Blood Circulation

The scar tissue breaks down by continuously massaging the location of the scar. As soon as the blood circulation in the skin improves, the skin texture evens out and the scar disappears.

Treatment Options to Get Rid Of A Mole

Ever heard of the phrase “To Each Their Own”? Well, when it comes to skin treatment or surgeries this is exactly the followed theory. Skin conditions, skin types, skin sensitivity and more differ from person to person. A topical treatment or surgical method that may be suitable for one person may not be suitable for another person.

Depending upon the type, position, and other related factors of your mole our Board approved specialist may treat you in the following ways:

Surgical Excision

A very common way of separating the mole from the skin is through surgical excision. Once the targeted area is cleaned and anaesthesia is provided to the patient, a cosmetic surgeon uses a scalpel to remove the mole from your skin. A normal amount of bleeding may occur that is stopped by the surgeon by applying pressure to the area and cauterising it, before stitching back to perfection.

Shave Excision

Depending on the type of your mole an expert may choose to shave excision for you. It is usually done when the mole is not suspected to be atypical or cancerous. It is conducted by using a razor in a specific region, leaving out skin without any nevi.

Other Methods

Some practitioners use lasers, burning methodologies through electric current, or cryotherapy (a rapid cool-freeze, involving liquid nitrogen) to remove moles present on the skin. At Revitalise, we also provide you with topical treatments, developed for at-home care, boosting your skin’s defence against mole recurrence and immune response.

Skin Mole Removal Procedure

You may think why is it always advised to seek professional help? The reason is very simple yet important i.e. what a medical professional can prevent you from, by following a proper procedure or SOPs for any ailment is something that you may not be able to do.

The procedure that is specifically followed during a mole removal surgery may vary depending on the type of mole and of course the chosen technique. However, a process that is generally followed includes the following:

·         Keeping Record

To measure the success rate of a surgery you surgeon may mark the point of incision after inspecting or taking a good look of your skin. They may use a dermo scope to keenly examine and take pictures of the region from where the mole has to be removed so that the progress can be determined after the healing stage.

·         Minimization Of Discomfort

Whether it is a major surgery or a surgery that has no downtime, the healthcare experts ensure that the patients go through the least amount of discomfort. This is done by numbing and cleaning the area of treatment.  The use of the right proportion of anaesthesia for each patient along with an antiseptic cleaning solution is utilised.

·         Achieving Smooth Surface

After the area of treatment is numbed for a while, the expert goes on to either excise or shave off the mole. In both cases, a skin surgeon aims to ensure that the skin turns out to be even and smooth with no edges or other indifference.

·         Providing Optimal Healing

In some patient cases if the excised or shaved region is bleeding exceedingly, even then a professional uses the right amount of pressure of cautery to ensure the control of the surgery, and promote healing. In such situations, a normal person may panic and lose a lot of blood which can be life-threatening.

·         Closing the Incision

Depending on the nature of the mole removal surgery, the wound is closed using adhesive strips, sutures, or other topical treatments.

Skin Mole Removal Healing Stages

Once the mole has been removed this is what you should expect during the healing stage.

Stage 1 Stage one can be considered an inflammatory stage. It begins almost after the anaesthesia loses its effect. To be precise it begins after 12 hours of the procedure and lasts up to five days.

Stage 2 The second stage is where a rapid growth of new cells takes place. Within almost a day this stage begins and lasts for about a week or so. It is known as the proliferation stage.

Stage 3 This stage is also a part of healing and it involves the removal of stitches from the surgical excision. The stitches are usually removed within 2 weeks or so, following the treatment.

Stage 4 This step is where you experience complete surgical recovery. It is called the maturation stage. This stage completes its duration over a period of a year.

That sums up the process of healing, however, if at any point you feel like your wound is getting infected or if you are facing any other issues then you must consult your doctor. At Revitalise we offer an exceptional standard of service and after-care, including complimentary follow-up appointments to monitor your progress. Further, you will have your dedicated patient support line open every day for your convenience.

Debunking Misconceptions

Some people have multiple misconceptions related to moles on their skin. One of the misconceptions is that if you get a mole removed, just like if you remove white hair, you will have more of them. Some people, from the fear of recurrence of a mole or it spreading all around your body, do not even consider the possibility of looking and feeling better due to this. It should be known that no such thing happens, the mole removal procedures are safe and do not affect other areas.

Moreover, another common misconception is that moles only develop in adults and they are developed only if a person is constantly exposed to sunlight. The truth of the situation is that moles can develop at any age, sometimes children are also born with moles or a cluster of specific pigmented regions. This fact leads us to the genetic predisposition of moles. Hence, the presence of moles has to do with the genetic makeover.

The misconceptions have been dispelled, now you can easily proceed to your goal of achieving healthy skin.


Why Revitalise London for Skin Mole Removal?

At the heart of Harley Street and now in Westfield Shopping Centre, Revitalise London is the number one choice for Mole Removals. With advanced dermatological excellence through experienced dermatologists and world-renowned plastic surgeons. We offer unparalleled Mole Removal treatments that are enjoyed by thousands every year.

Our clinic is not just a place for treatments; it is where beauty meets the pinnacle of medical expertise. Our dedication to your skin’s health and beauty is unmatched. Here’s why Revitalise London is your premier choice for mole removal:

  • Expertise and Compassion

The Revitalise team, known for their excellence in outcomes and dermatological knowledge, prioritises your comfort and results.

  • Permanent Solutions

We employ the most effective techniques and technologies for mole removal, including precise surgical excision and cryotherapy.

  • Personalised Care

Each patient receives a tailored treatment plan which is unique to them to ensure the highest success rates and satisfaction.

  • Proven Success:

Our clinics are well-known for stories of transformation, demonstrating the life-changing influence of our treatments.

Utilising the best technology and medical expertise, we provide personalised, proven solutions for all types of moles, aiming for the natural and lasting restoration of your skin’s beauty.

Ready to Transform Your Skin?

To Sum it up, mole removal surgery is a very common cosmetic or an indication of health-related concerns. It is safe and quite effective, some people also consider their moles to be their beauty marks, however, in some cases, the male is located at a place or has a size that affects the outlook of a person. Therefore, they tend to pursue cosmetic surgery. In order to remain safe, it is good to consult a board-certified dermatologist who can test your moles for cancer, suggest treatment options, and provide a complete guide to your wound and scar healing journey.

Don’t let moles define your beauty or trouble your mind. Visit us at Harley Street or Westfield for a thorough evaluation. Our doctors will assess your moles and recommend the best course of action. With Revitalise London, embark on a journey to flawless skin and peace of mind, guided by the best in the field. Schedule your consultation today and experience personalised care that sets you on a path to confidence, radiance, and thoroughness.