Does Nail Fungus Spread? What to Do at First to deal with it?

Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is a common condition that affects many people. One question that often arises is whether nail fungus can spread and what to do at the first sign of infection. In this blog, we will explore whether nail fungus spreads and provide expert advice from a dermatologist at Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic on what to do at the first sign of infection.

Does Nail Fungus Spread?

Nail fungus can spread from one nail to another and even from person to person. It is a contagious infection that can be easily spread in warm, moist environments like locker rooms and public swimming pools. If left untreated, nail fungus can also spread to other parts of the body, such as the skin and scalp.

What to Do at the First Sign of Infection

If you notice any signs of nail fungus, it's important to take action right away to prevent the infection from spreading. The first sign of nail fungus is usually a small white or yellow spot under the nail. Other symptoms may include:

Thickening of the nail
Discoloration of the nail
Brittleness of the nail
Foul odor

According to Dr. Maria Gonzalez, a dermatologist at Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic, "If you suspect you have nail fungus, it's important to see a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Early treatment is key to preventing the infection from spreading and causing more serious complications."

Medical Treatments for Nail Fungus

There are several medical treatments available for nail fungus, including:

Oral medications: Prescription medications taken by mouth are effective in treating nail fungus. However, they can have side effects and may not be suitable for everyone.

Topical treatments: Antifungal creams, lotions, and nail polish can be applied directly to the affected nail. They are less effective than oral medications but may be a good option for mild cases of nail fungus.

Laser therapy: Laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses light to kill the fungus. It's effective in treating nail fungus and has no side effects.

Preventing Nail Fungus:
Prevention is key when it comes to nail fungus. To prevent nail fungus from spreading, follow these tips:

Keep your feet clean and dry
Wear clean socks and shoes
Avoid walking barefoot in public places
Use antifungal sprays or powders in your shoes

If you suspect you have nail fungus, it's important to take action right away to prevent the infection from spreading. At Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic, our experienced dermatologists provide personalized care and effective treatments to help you achieve healthy, clear nails. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about your treatment options.


What are the stages of healing of fungal nail treatment

Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is a common condition that affects many people. It's a fungal infection that can cause the nails to become discoloured, thickened, and brittle. If left untreated, nail fungus can lead to pain and discomfort. However, with the right treatment, nail fungus can be cured. In this blog, we'll explore the different stages of healing for nail fungus and how to effectively treat the condition.

At Revitalise London Dermatology clinic, we understand the discomfort and embarrassment that can come with nail fungus. We're dedicated to helping people find the right treatment to achieve healthy and beautiful nails.

What are the stages of healing for nail fungus?

The healing process for nail fungus can take several months, depending on the severity of the infection. There are several stages of healing that the nail will go through during treatment:

  1. The first stage is the initial treatment stage, where the goal is to kill the fungus causing the infection. This is typically done through the use of topical or oral antifungal medications.
  2. The second stage is the growth stage, where the nail will start to grow back. During this stage, it's important to continue using the antifungal medication to prevent a recurrence of the infection.
  3. The third stage is the restoration stage, where the nail will start to look healthy again. This stage can take several months and may require ongoing treatment.

It's important to note that nail fungus can be a stubborn infection, and it's not uncommon for it to take several months or even up to a year to completely heal. However, with consistent treatment, the nail can eventually return to a healthy state.

Effective treatments for nail fungus

There are several effective treatments for nail fungus, including:

  1. Oral antifungal medications: These medications are taken by mouth and can help to kill the fungus causing the infection. They may take several months to work, and they can come with side effects.
  2. Topical antifungal medications: These medications are applied directly to the affected nail and can help to kill the fungus. They may take several months to work, and they can also come with side effects.
  3. Laser therapy: This treatment uses a laser to target and kill the fungus without damaging the surrounding tissue. It's painless and typically takes less than an hour to complete.

It's important to talk to a dermatologist before trying any treatment for nail fungus. They can help you determine the best treatment option for your needs and can advise you on any potential side effects or risks.


Nail fungus can be a frustrating and embarrassing condition, but it's treatable. The healing process for nail fungus can take several months, but with the right treatment, healthy nails can be achieved. At Revitalise London Dermatology clinic, we're here to help you find the right treatment to achieve healthy and beautiful nails.


What kills nail fungus and what are the side effects?

As summer approaches, many people are getting ready to show off their feet in sandals and open-toed shoes. However, if you're one of the millions of people who suffer from toenail fungus, the idea of exposing your feet may be a nightmare. Toenail fungus is a common condition that can be difficult to treat. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available, including some that claim to kill toenail fungus instantly. In this blog, we'll explore these treatment options and their potential side effects.

Revitalise London fungal removal clinic is dedicated to helping people look and feel their best, and that includes addressing toenail fungus. We understand the discomfort and embarrassment that can come with this condition, and we're here to help you find the right treatment for your needs.

What is toenail fungus?

Toenail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is a fungal infection that affects the toenails. It can cause the nails to become discoloured, thickened, and brittle, and it can also cause pain and discomfort. Toenail fungus is more common in older adults and people with weakened immune systems.

Treatment options for toenail fungus

There are several treatment options for toenail fungus, including over-the-counter creams, prescription medications, and home remedies. However, some people may be interested in treatments that claim to kill toenail fungus instantly.

One such treatment is laser therapy. Laser therapy uses a laser to target and kill the fungus without damaging the surrounding tissue. This treatment is painless and usually takes less than an hour to complete. However, it can be expensive, and it may require several sessions to achieve the desired results.

Another treatment option is topical antifungal medications. These medications are applied directly to the affected nail and can help to kill the fungus. However, they can take several months to work, and they may not be effective for all types of toenail fungus.

Potential side effects

While these treatments may be effective for some people, they can also come with potential side effects. Laser therapy can cause redness, swelling, and blistering, and it can also be painful. Topical antifungal medications can cause skin irritation, and they may not be safe for people with certain medical conditions.

It's important to talk to a dermatologist before trying any treatment for toenail fungus. They can help you determine the best treatment option for your needs and can advise you on any potential side effects or risks.


Toenail fungus can be a frustrating and embarrassing condition, but there are several treatment options available. While some treatments claim to kill toenail fungus instantly, it's important to consider the potential side effects and risks before trying any treatment. At Revitalise London Dermatology clinic, we're here to help you find the right treatment for your needs and to help you feel confident and comfortable in your own skin.


Is fungal nail treatment a surgical or non surgical procedure

Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is a common condition that can affect the nails on your fingers or toes. It's caused by a fungal infection and can result in thickened, discolored, or brittle nails. While there are several treatments available to address nail fungus, many people wonder if nail fungus removal requires surgery or if it can be achieved through non-surgical means. In this blog, we'll explore both surgical and non-surgical options for nail fungus removal and provide some tips on how to choose the best treatment for your needs.

Non-surgical options for nail fungus removal

In most cases, nail fungus can be effectively treated without the need for surgery. Non-surgical treatments for nail fungus include:

Topical antifungal medications: These are creams, lotions, or nail polishes that are applied directly to the affected nail. They work by penetrating the nail and killing the fungus. This type of treatment can take several months to work and may require ongoing use.

Oral antifungal medications: These are prescription medications that are taken orally. They work by attacking the fungus from the inside out. Oral medications can take several months to work, and they can have side effects.

Laser therapy: This is a non-invasive treatment that uses a laser to kill the fungus. The laser penetrates the nail and heats it, which destroys the fungus. This type of treatment typically takes several sessions to complete and can be expensive.

Surgical options for nail fungus removal

In some cases, nail fungus can be so severe that surgery is required to remove the affected nail. Surgical options for nail fungus removal include:

Nail removal: This involves removing the entire nail to allow a healthy new nail to grow in its place. This procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia, and the recovery time can vary depending on the individual.

Partial nail removal: This involves removing only the affected portion of the nail. This procedure is also typically performed under local anesthesia and can be effective in treating nail fungus.

Choosing the best treatment option for your needs

The best treatment option for nail fungus removal will depend on the severity of your condition, as well as your personal preferences and medical history. It's important to consult with a dermatologist to determine the best course of action for your specific needs.

At Revitalise London Dermatology clinic, our experienced dermatologists are dedicated to helping you achieve healthy and beautiful nails. We offer a range of treatments for nail fungus, including both surgical and non-surgical options.


Nail fungus is a common condition that can be effectively treated with both surgical and non-surgical options. While non-surgical treatments are typically the first line of defense, surgery may be required in severe cases. At Revitalise London Dermatology clinic, we're here to help you choose the best treatment option for your needs and get your nails looking healthy and beautiful again.


Benefits of removing toe nail fungus by laser

Nail fungus is a common condition that affects many people, causing thick, discolored, and brittle nails. While there are several treatment options available, laser therapy has emerged as a popular and effective method for removing nail fungus. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of removing toenail fungus by laser therapy and how it can help you achieve healthy, beautiful nails.

What is laser therapy for toenail fungus removal?

Laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment for toenail fungus that uses a specialized laser to target and destroy the fungal infection. The laser penetrates the nail bed and heats the infected tissue, killing the fungus without damaging the surrounding healthy tissue.

Benefits of laser therapy for toenail fungus removal

Non-invasive: Laser therapy for toenail fungus removal is a non-invasive treatment option, meaning that there are no incisions or needles involved. This makes it a less painful and more convenient option compared to other treatments, such as surgery.

Safe and effective: Laser therapy has been shown to be a safe and effective treatment option for toenail fungus removal. It can effectively target and destroy the fungal infection without causing damage to the surrounding healthy tissue.

No downtime: Since laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment, there is no downtime required after the procedure. Patients can resume their normal activities immediately after treatment.

Long-lasting results: Laser therapy can provide long-lasting results for toenail fungus removal. Unlike other treatments that may require ongoing maintenance or medication, laser therapy can provide a permanent solution to toenail fungus.

Quick treatment time: Laser therapy for toenail fungus removal is a quick treatment that can typically be completed in a single session. This makes it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.


If you're struggling with toenail fungus, laser therapy can be an effective and convenient treatment option for achieving healthy, beautiful nails. At Revitalise London Dermatology clinic, our experienced dermatologists are dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible results. We offer a range of treatments for toenail fungus, including laser therapy, and we can help you choose the best option for your needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards achieving healthy, beautiful nails.


What are skin tags and why do they occur?

As humans, we all want to have flawless and blemish-free skin, but sometimes, our skin has other ideas. One common skin concern that many people experience is skin tags. Skin tags are small, benign growths that can appear anywhere on the body, but are most commonly found on the neck, underarms, and groin. In this blog post, we will discuss what skin tags are, why they occur, and how they can be treated.

What are skin tags?

Skin tags, also known as acrochordons, are small growths of skin that can appear on any part of the body. They are usually flesh-colored or slightly darker and can range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. Skin tags are benign and are not harmful, but they can be unsightly or annoying, especially if they rub against clothing or jewelry.

Why do skin tags occur?

The exact cause of skin tags is unknown, but there are several factors that are believed to contribute to their development. One of the most common causes of skin tags is friction or irritation, which can occur in areas where skin rubs against skin or clothing. Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during pregnancy, may also contribute to the development of skin tags. In addition, some people may be genetically predisposed to developing skin tags.

How can skin tags be treated?

Skin tags are usually harmless and do not require treatment. However, if they are causing discomfort or are unsightly, there are several treatment options available. One option is to have the skin tag removed by a dermatologist. This can be done by freezing the skin tag with liquid nitrogen, cutting it off with a scalpel, or using electrocautery to burn it off. Another option is to use over-the-counter creams or solutions to shrink the skin tag, although these are not always effective.

In conclusion, skin tags are a common skin concern that can be unsightly or annoying, but are usually harmless. While the exact cause of skin tags is unknown, there are several factors that are believed to contribute to their development. If you have skin tags that are causing discomfort or are unsightly, it is best to consult with a dermatologist to determine the best course of treatment. With proper treatment, you can have clear, blemish-free skin once again.

If you are experiencing skin tags and are looking for expert advice and treatment, consider visiting Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic. Our team of experienced dermatologists offers a wide range of treatments for skin concerns, including skin tag removal. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you achieve clear, healthy skin.


What are some common methods for skin tag removal, and how do they work?

A guide from Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic Skin tags, also known as acrochordons, are a common skin concern that can be unsightly or uncomfortable. While they are usually harmless, many people choose to have them removed for cosmetic or comfort reasons. In this blog post, we will discuss some common methods for skin tag removal and how they work. If you are considering skin tag removal, contact Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic for expert advice and treatment.


Cryotherapy is a common method for skin tag removal that involves freezing the skin tag with liquid nitrogen. The extreme cold causes the cells in the skin tag to break down and eventually fall off. This method is quick, relatively painless, and has a low risk of scarring. However, it may not be suitable for larger or more complex skin tags.


Excision is a surgical method for skin tag removal that involves cutting the skin tag off with a scalpel or scissors. This method is typically performed under local anesthesia and may require stitches. Excision is an effective method for larger or more complex skin tags, but it may leave a small scar.


Electrocautery is a method for skin tag removal that uses an electrical current to burn off the skin tag. This method is quick and relatively painless, but may not be suitable for larger or more complex skin tags. Electrocautery may also cause a small scar.


Ligation is a method for skin tag removal that involves tying a small band around the base of the skin tag. The band cuts off the blood supply to the skin tag, causing it to eventually fall off. This method is painless and has a low risk of scarring, but may take several days to a week to work.

In conclusion, there are several common methods for skin tag removal, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. If you are considering skin tag removal, it is important to consult with a dermatologist to determine the best method for your individual needs. At Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic, our team of experienced dermatologists can help you achieve clear, healthy skin. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.


Is it safe to remove skin tags yourself at home, or should see a expert doctor for it?

Is it safe to remove skin tags yourself at home, or should you see an expert doctor for it? A guide from Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic

Skin tags, also known as acrochordons, are common harmless growths that can appear on the skin. While they are usually harmless, many people choose to have them removed for cosmetic or comfort reasons. Some may consider removing skin tags themselves at home using various methods, but is it safe? In this blog post, we will discuss the risks of DIY skin tag removal and why it's important to see an expert doctor for it. If you are considering skin tag removal, contact Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic for safe and effective treatment.

DIY skin tag removal methods

There are several DIY skin tag removal methods that people may try at home. These include tying a string or dental floss around the base of the skin tag to cut off its blood supply, using scissors or nail clippers to cut off the skin tag, and applying various substances such as vinegar, tea tree oil, or garlic to the skin tag.

Risks of DIY skin tag removal

While these methods may seem like a quick and easy solution, they can be dangerous and may cause more harm than good. DIY skin tag removal can lead to infection, bleeding, scarring, and even serious complications such as sepsis. In addition, some skin tags may be mistaken for other skin growths that require medical attention, such as moles or warts. Attempting to remove these growths at home can lead to serious health risks.

Why you should see an expert doctor for skin tag removal

To ensure safe and effective skin tag removal, it is important to see an expert doctor. A dermatologist can properly diagnose the skin tag and recommend the best course of treatment. Depending on the size, location, and type of skin tag, treatment options may include cryotherapy, excision, electrocautery, or ligation. These methods are performed under sterile conditions and with proper anesthesia to minimize discomfort and risk of infection. An expert doctor can also identify any underlying health conditions that may be causing skin tags and provide appropriate treatment.

In conclusion, while DIY skin tag removal may seem like an easy solution, it is not worth the risk. To ensure safe and effective treatment, it's important to see an expert doctor. At Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic, our team of experienced dermatologists can help you achieve clear, healthy skin. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.


What should you expect during a skin tag removal procedure, and how long does it take? 

Skin tags are common benign growths that can be removed for cosmetic or comfort reasons. If you're considering having a skin tag removed, you may be wondering what to expect during the procedure and how long it will take. In this blog post, we'll provide an overview of the skin tag removal process and what to expect during your appointment at Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic.

Assessment and Diagnosis

Before any treatment can be administered, a dermatologist will need to assess and diagnose the skin tag. During your appointment, the dermatologist will examine the skin tag and may ask you about any symptoms you may be experiencing. In some cases, the dermatologist may recommend a skin biopsy to rule out any underlying health conditions.

Treatment Options

Once the dermatologist has assessed the skin tag, they will recommend the best course of treatment based on the size, location, and type of skin tag. At Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic, we offer several safe and effective skin tag removal options, including:

Cryotherapy: This method involves freezing the skin tag with liquid nitrogen, which causes it to fall off within a few days.

Excision: This involves cutting the skin tag off with a scalpel or surgical scissors. This method is typically used for larger skin tags or those in sensitive areas.

Electrocautery: This involves using a tiny electric current to burn off the skin tag. This method is quick and effective, and typically results in minimal scarring.

Ligation: This method involves tying off the base of the skin tag with a small thread, which cuts off its blood supply and causes it to fall off.

Procedure Length and Aftercare

The length of the skin tag removal procedure will depend on the method used and the size and location of the skin tag. Most procedures take only a few minutes to complete, and can be performed in-office with minimal discomfort. After the procedure, the dermatologist will provide instructions for post-treatment care to ensure proper healing and minimize the risk of infection. These may include keeping the area clean and dry, applying a topical ointment, and avoiding tight clothing or activities that may cause irritation.

In conclusion, if you're considering skin tag removal, it's important to see an expert dermatologist who can properly assess and diagnose the skin tag, and recommend the best course of treatment. At Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic, our experienced dermatologists use safe and effective methods to remove skin tags, and provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing. Contact us today to schedule a consultation


What are the potential risks and side effects of skin tag removal, and how can they be minimised?

Skin tags are common, harmless growths that can be removed for cosmetic or comfort reasons. While skin tag removal is generally safe and straightforward, there are some potential risks and side effects to be aware of. In this blog post, we'll discuss the possible risks associated with skin tag removal and how they can be minimised with the help of an expert dermatologist at Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic.

Possible Risks and Side Effects

Some of the potential risks and side effects of skin tag removal include:

Bleeding: Depending on the size and location of the skin tag, there may be some bleeding during the removal process.

Infection: Any time the skin is broken, there is a risk of infection. Proper aftercare is essential to minimise this risk.

Scarring: While most skin tag removal methods result in minimal scarring, some methods may cause more visible scarring.

Pain: While the procedure is generally painless, there may be some discomfort or tenderness during the healing process.

Minimizing Risks and Side Effects

Fortunately, the risks and side effects of skin tag removal can be minimized with the help of an experienced dermatologist. At Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic, our dermatologists use safe and effective methods to remove skin tags while minimizing the risk of complications. Some of the ways we minimize risks and side effects include:

Proper assessment and diagnosis: Before any treatment is administered, our dermatologists will assess and diagnose the skin tag to ensure that the best course of treatment is chosen for the specific case.

Sterile environment: Our dermatologists ensure that the removal procedure is performed in a sterile environment to minimize the risk of infection.

Skilled technique: Our dermatologists use skilled and precise techniques to minimize bleeding and scarring during the removal process.

Comprehensive aftercare: Our dermatologists provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing and minimize the risk of infection or other complications.


While skin tag removal is generally safe and straightforward, it's important to be aware of the potential risks and side effects. By choosing an experienced dermatologist at Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic, you can minimize these risks and achieve safe and effective skin tag removal with minimal discomfort and scarring. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our expert dermatologists.

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